14th June 2022 > > Ouch!
Cryptos are dead, please all leave quietly as you make your way home (spoiler alert: not really).
Market Snap (at time of writing)

Market Wrap
And you thought it was bad yesterday?
Curious Cryptos’ Commentary – Just sayin’ is all

(ht Southbank Investment Research. If you are of a disposition that Is sensitive to the real world as opposed to your preferred world., then please do not ever look at their work. You will get incredibly upset, and I just do not want that to happen to you.)
According to this article “… email, far from replacing other forms of communication, is adding to an overload of information”.
Yeah, email, what a rubbish idea that was.
The article goes on to say, “We are often presented with a picture of burgeoning internet use, but there is evidence already of drop-off and saturation amongst users.”
Amazon shares are up 100x since the date of that article.
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